Last Updated: 09/02/20
Case Review and Intramural Science Program

For more information about the NCI
BCS protocol, read the feature article of
the NCI CAM News, spring 2011 newsletter.
BCS protocol, read the feature article of
the NCI CAM News, spring 2011 newsletter.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Case Review and Intramural Science Program (CRISP) is to identify and develop novel complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies for the treatment of cancer. This aim is implemented through various program activities, such as the rigorous scientific evaluation of retrospective case reports and roundtable discussions, with the ultimate goal of identifying those CAM interventions that have enough evidence to support NCI-initiated prospective research.
- Networks with and guides CAM practitioners on how to compile high-quality best case summaries
- Identifies novel CAM interventions for evaluation as anti-cancer therapies
- Reviews case summary data from patients who use CAM therapies for the treatment of cancer through the NCI Best Case Series (BCS) Program
- Updates cancer CAM clinical trial listing
- Promotes and supports collaboration between CAM practitioners and researchers
Major Activities
- NCI Best Case Series Program
- Published in peer-reviewed journals
- Topic-focused roundtables
- Intramural Clinical Trials