Meetings and Events
Spring 2013
Vol. 8, Issue 1
Winter 2013
Vol. 7, Issue 2
Spring 2012
Vol. 7, Issue 1
Spring 2011
Vol. 6, Issue 1
Fall 2011
Vol. 6, Issue 2
Spring 2010
Vol. 5, Issue 1
Fall 2010
Vol. 5, Issue 2
Spring 2009
Vol. 4, Issue 1
Fall 2009
Vol. 4, Issue 2
Spring 2008
Vol. 3, Issue 1
Fall 2008
Vol. 3, Issue 2
Fall 2007
Vol. 2, Issue 2
Winter 2007
Vol. 2, Issue 1
Summer 2006
Vol. 1, Issue 2
Research Resources
Electronic Grant Submission Training Workshop
On December 5, 2006, NIH hosted a workshop to assist investigators and institutions with the impending transition to the new electronic grant application process. The workshop, facilitated by Chuck Selden, NIH extramural staff training officer, featured presentations from Megan Columbus, the NIH program manager for electronic submission, and Marcia Hahn, the director of the Division of Grants Policy.
In addressing the new electronic submission process, Columbus stressed, “…fundamentally, [NIH] policies about grants have not changed.” She continued by stating that the new process is merely a way to utilize current technology in conjunction with federal-wide forms.
Archived via videocast online, the workshop was broken down into four subject areas: an overview of the electronic submission process, explanation of the new electronic form SF424, a panel discussion addressing lessons learned from the first year of the electronic submission process, and a question and answer period.
While some grant applications have already been transitioned to the new electronic process, the remaining more complex applications are scheduled to switch over by September 2007. Applicants should refer to the transition timeline and note the transition date for each competing grant mechanism,
To learn more about the electronic submission process and to view the videocast of the training workshop, please visit the
How to Write a Grant in Cancer CAM Revised

Get your copy of the recently revised publication Strategies for Success: How to Write a Grant in Cancer CAM. The updated publication contains important information about the new electronic grant application process. You can order a copy by calling 1-800-4-CANCER or view it online at
RDSP Brochure Now Available Online!

The newly designed OCCAM Research Development and Support Program (RDSP) brochure is now available online. RDSP, one of three programs within OCCAM, is tasked with creating and co-sponsoring various funding opportunities, creating and facilitating workshops to help investigators prepare competitive grant applications in cancer CAM, and designing activities that will help develop the foundation of science in this area of medicine. The brochure serves as an introduction to RDSP by highlighting its various program activities.
For more information about OCCAM's Research Development and Support Program and to obtain a copy of the brochure, please visit: