Meetings and Events
Spring 2013
Vol. 8, Issue 1
Winter 2013
Vol. 7, Issue 2
Spring 2012
Vol. 7, Issue 1
Spring 2011
Vol. 6, Issue 1
Fall 2011
Vol. 6, Issue 2
Spring 2010
Vol. 5, Issue 1
Fall 2010
Vol. 5, Issue 2
Spring 2009
Vol. 4, Issue 1
Fall 2009
Vol. 4, Issue 2
Spring 2008
Vol. 3, Issue 1
Fall 2008
Vol. 3, Issue 2
Fall 2007
Vol. 2, Issue 2
Winter 2007
Vol. 2, Issue 1
Summer 2006
Vol. 1, Issue 2
Spring 2008, Vol. 3 Issue 1

Conference Convened on Collaboration in Cancer CAM Research
If the history of science has taught us anything, it’s that teamwork is the way to go.
“Nothing new that is really interesting comes without collaboration,” James Watson once said after the double helix discovery with Francis Crick back in the 1950s.
The National Institute of Cancer’s (NCI) Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM) couldn’t agree more.
In October 2007, OCCAM hosted the Cancer Researchers and CAM Practitioners: Fostering Collaborations; Advancing the Science conference to bring together people who work with everything from apoptotic cancer cells to acupuncture. The goal was to facilitate one of the most important factors in science: teamwork.

NCI CAM News is produced by the Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM). The Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM) was established in October 1998 to coordinate and support the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) activities related to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). OCCAM also serves as a focal point for NCI’s collaboration with other governmental and non-governmental organizations on cancer CAM issues.
For inquiries on CAM and cancer, call 1-800-4-CANCER or visit
Contact Information
Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine
9609 Medical Center Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20892